
My Right Hand

by Ann Samuel on Mar 18 2007 2:16 PM

David Savage, 54, is getting ready to go home.

Savage, who received the nation's third successful hand transplant November last, says he feels sensation in his new limb. Thirty years back, Savage had lost his right hand in a ghastly machine press accident.

Savage underwent a 15-hour hand transplant surgery at Jewish Hospital in Louisville. The hospital boasts of having performed the nation's first two hand transplant surgeries.

Savage, who reported sensation in his new hand, says it is getting stronger and that he ‘can't wait to get out fishing and use two hands’.

Savage has also started writing with his new hand after learning how to hold a pen, in addition to throwing a small football.

According to the lead transplant surgeon, Dr. Warren Breidenbach, Savage has made good progress though it will take another three months or so for sensation to return to his fingertips.

The complete progress is expected to continue for several years.

