
Total Mayhem In Online Medical Training System

by Jyothsna on Mar 3 2007 2:41 PM

Technical snag in an online medical training system has caused chaos in the recruitment of junior doctors in Britain. The British Medical Association has criticizedhis electronic procedure of hiring junior doctors which has resulted in numerous doctors being jobless.

The Medical Training Application Service was launched to simplify the procedure for applying for the post of specialist trainee. The deadline for the receipt of applications has been extended twice due to technical problems.

Around 30,000 applications have been received for 22,000 posts. The short listing could not be completed last week due to the receipt of disproportionate number of applications, very short time period and a lack of proper guidance.

According to Dr Jo Hilborne, chairman of the BMA junior doctor’s committee, the government has acted in haste to bring in such reforms without a realistic time target. He also felt that the new system has lost its credibility with the doctors. He added that BMA will fight for the right of these disadvantaged doctors.

