
Dusted and Polished

by Medindia Content Team on Dec 7 2006 2:45 AM

Canada’s Food Guide is a scantly illustrated pamphlet. Do not let this fool you though. The information provided in it reaches out to almost the whole population via local governments, food service providers etc.

It‘s small wonder that the press has already lapped up a draft edition of the to-be –revised guide.

The Food Guide has been around for sixty years and was last updated 14 years ago. Mary Bush, director general of the office of nutrition policy and promotion for Health Canada says that the new guide primarily tries to define healthy eating. This can be deemed invaluable as modern medical research has proven that what goes into our mouths can decide what sicknesses we will incur. The guide will be reflecting the most recent advances in the study of the power of nutrition.

Criticisms spearheaded by Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute in Ottawa include those on the suggestions of certain foods and portion sizes. He says inadequate emphasis has been put on whole grains and that calorie counting and recommendations, have been mistaken due to the increase in sizes of foods like fruits, muffins etc. over the years.

The majority of criticisms from the public are confusion over what a serving or portion of food denotes. All concerns are valid and will be addressed in the revamped edition says Bush.

For the sixty percent of Canadians classified overweight or obese, the new edition of Canada‘s Food Guide seems to be a good serving of wholesome advice.

