
Pregnant? Time to get fishy!

by Medindia Content Team on Jun 19 2006 6:57 PM

London: A novel study has brought out the immense health benefits of fish oil for pregnant women, which steps-up the child's behavioral attributes, even before they arrive into the world. Even risks of serious conditions like cerebral palsy are significantly lowered with consumption of fish oil by the expectant mother, the study has revealed. The benefit is double, because it directly impacts the unborn baby as well as the mother.

According to researchers from the University of Alberta, mothers who had included cod liver oil intake on a daily basis after the 18th week of pregnancy and continued till the initial months of nursing the baby, had children whose performance revealed an IQ far better than children whose mothers did not take cod liver oil.

Researchers opine that intake of cod liver oil is really crucial during the last trimester, when the human brain experiences an enhanced growth that continues well into the initial few months of the baby’s life.

The researchers said
