
Thalidomide for Tumor Treatment

by Medindia Content Team on May 30 2006 2:11 PM

According to the doctors at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham it is said that thalidomide stops tumors developing blood vessels and halt their growth. Thalidomide created so much commotion when it was prescribed to the mothers to morning sickness but is caused horrific birth defects in 12,000 babies. The babies were born with missing or stunted limbs. Hence it was withdrawn from the market and is now unlicensed in the UK. The mode of action of the drug is that it prevented the formation of blood vessels in unborn babies arms and legs.

The doctors used this principle and prescribed to a boy suffering from brain tumor. The doctors’ hoped that the drug would prevent blood circulation and thereby prevent the growth of the brain tumor. Doctors are using it in a trial round on a youngster Robert Wadsworth who is 12 years old to shrink his brain tumor. He is been taking the treatment for three months and he said that he is tired and suffers from mild aches. The study leader Professor Richard Grundy said that as the patient is fully grown there is less chances of the drug affecting him. But on the other hand Glen Harrison who is the chairman of campaign group Thalidomide UK who was born without feet or hands does not want the drug to be used for nay purpose.
