
Twins Born from Separate Uteruses

by Kathy Jones on Sep 20 2011 6:19 PM

 Twins Born from Separate Uteruses
In a very rare case of pregnancy, a woman in Florida gave birth to twins that were born in separate uteruses.
Doctors at Morton Plant Hospital, where the delivery took place, said that it was very rare for such a birth to happen, with just one in over 5 million pregnancies occurring in this way. The twins were born to Clearwater residents, Miguel and Andreea Barbosa, on September 15 and the babies are doing fine.

Andreea was diagnosed with uterus didelphys, or double uterus, and the condition often causes infertility and miscarriage. Just over 100 pregnancies in which both the uteruses carry fetuses have been recorded in medical history.

“We were thrilled to work with the family and guide them through this unique pregnancy and delivery. Because we were aware of her condition, we were able to take special precautions to ensure that both mother and babies would be healthy”, Ob/Gyn Patricia St. John said.

