
Toxic Shellfish Warning on the West Coast Lifted

by Savitha C Muppala on Jan 20 2013 11:59 PM

 Toxic Shellfish Warning on the West Coast Lifted
The Waikato District Health Board and Auckland Regional Public Health Service had earlier enforced a shellfish gathering ban in the locality following reports of paralysis induced by shell fish poisoning.
The ban has been lifted after confirmation from Auckland Medical Officer of Health, Simon Baker, who said that water samples in the area have been satisfactorily clear for quite sometime.

"Paralytic shellfish poisoning can be a very serious illness, it can even be fatal. People have been really sick after eating shellfish from the Bay of Plenty, with some requiring treatment in the intensive care unit. Please look out for the signs and don't collect or eat shellfish from the affected areas."

Consuming shellfish infected with the poison can cause breathing difficulties, swallowing problems, numbness, tingling sensation around the mouth and in extreme cases, respiratory failure and even paralysis.

After consumption of a toxic shellfish, symptoms can start in the one to two hours after consuming a toxic shellfish, and those who have signs is advised to seek urgent medical attention.

