
Teachers Have Healthy Lifestyle but More Likely to Suffer Psychosomatic Disorders

by Dr. Trupti Shirole on Jun 7 2015 8:06 AM

Teachers Have Healthy Lifestyle but More Likely to Suffer Psychosomatic Disorders
Psychosomatic complaints are more common among teachers than any other occupational groups, revealed a Germany-based research. Teachers are more likely to suffer from exhaustion, fatigue, headaches, sleep disorders, forgetfulness, pain, and irritability.
The study by Klaus Scheuch, business manager at Center for Work and Health in Saxony, Germany and colleagues involved almost 800,000 teachers who were working in Germany during the 2012-13 school year. Researchers found that compared to the general population, teachers maintain a relatively more healthy lifestyle.

In the study, teachers were found to have healthier cardiovascular systems than the general population. They were more physically active, approximately 75% of teachers versus 66% of the general population. They were less likely to be obese, approximately 13% of teachers versus 23% of the general population, and less likely to smoke, approximately 14% of teachers versus 30% of the general population. But, psychosomatic disorders were found to be more common among teachers.

The researchers emphasized that workplace health care professionals who care for teachers should include not only treating physicians but also psychologists, psychiatrists, and specialists in psychosomatic medicine. The study authors said, "Teachers need qualified, interdisciplinary occupational health care with the involvement of their treating physicians."

The study was published in Deutsches Arzteblatt International.

