
Same-Sex Couples More Willing to Share Domestic Chores Than Heterosexual Couples

by Kathy Jones on Jul 26 2013 10:38 PM

 Same-Sex Couples More Willing to Share Domestic Chores Than Heterosexual Couples
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that couples in same-sex marriage were more likely to share household chores such as home repair, cleaning, cooking and gardening, compared to heterosexual couples.
According to the census data, around 59 percent of lesbian couples and 57 percent of gay couples shared domestic chores compared to 38 percent of heterosexual couples. The data also revealed that gay couples were better educated, earned more and were more likely to work compared to male-female couples.

The figures show that there are around 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia with 6300 children living in same-sex families. Around 18 percent of same-sex couples are Catholic though nearly half of the couples say that they have no religion. Majority of the gay men worked in retail, advertising or public relations, or as nurses and hairdressers while many lesbian women worked as nurses, teachers, police, welfare workers or in retail.

Stating that heterosexual couples can learn a lot from same-sex couples, Australian Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome said, “It's no surprise same-sex partners tend to share the housework more because we don't have to deal with inherited gender stereotypes about what's women's work and what's men's work. I think heterosexual couples can learn a lot from the greater egalitarianism in many same-sex relationships.”

