
Now, Automatic Contraception Via a Chip

by Kathy Jones on Jul 8 2014 10:50 PM

 Now, Automatic Contraception Via a Chip
Birth control has now gone hi-tech after researchers at Massachusetts-based company MicroCHIPS revealed that they have developed a new chip that will provide automatic contraception to women for up to 16 years.
According to the developers, once the chip is placed under the skin of a woman, it starts to release a daily dose of levonorgestrel, use in majority of the popular hormonal and emergency contraceptives. If a woman wants to start a family, then she can just turn the chip off remotely, though it is possible only at skin contact level and not from a distance.

The developers added that the reservoir arrays on the device can be used to store other drugs as well

“These arrays are designed for compatibility with pre-programmed microprocessors, wireless telemetry, or sensor feedback loops to provide active control. Individual device reservoirs can be opened on demand or on a predetermined schedule to precisely control drug release or sensor activation”, the MicroCHIPS web page read.

