
New Research Says No Link Between Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

by Kathy Jones on Feb 18 2011 7:28 PM

 New Research Says No Link Between Cell Phones and Brain Cancer
The debate over whether or not mobile phones are harmful for brain continues after a new research published in the journal Bioelectromagnetics says that the cell phones pose no risk to the brain.
Researchers from the University of Manchester analyzed the number of brain cancer cases during the period between 1998 and 2007 and found that such cancers increased by a very small percentage during the study period.

The researchers said that the study period was chosen since it was just a few years after the cell phone boom in Britain that saw them number of cell phone users shoot up from 0 to 65 percent in the early years of the 1990s.

“Our findings indicate that a causal link between mobile phone use and cancer is unlikely because there is no evidence of any significant increase in the disease since their introduction and rapid proliferation”, lead researcher Dr Frank de Vocht said.

