
Less Grey Matter in Dyslexic Children Linked to Poor Reading Experience

by Kathy Jones on Jan 17 2014 11:29 AM

 Less Grey Matter in Dyslexic Children Linked to Poor Reading Experience
A new study suggests that the reason for the presence of less grey matter in the brains of dyslexic children is because of poorer reading experiences and not due to the condition itself.
Researchers compared the brains of a group of dyslexic children with two control groups, one that had a similar age group used in previous studies and the second composing of younger children who were at the same reading level as the dyslexic children.

The researchers found that the dyslexic children had lower amount of grey matter compared with those of the similar age group but this was not true when compared with children who had the same reading level. The study has been published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

“This suggests that the anatomical differences reported in left hemisphere language processing regions appear to be a consequence of reading experience as opposed to a cause of dyslexia. hese results have an impact on how we interpret the previous anatomical literature on dyslexia and it suggests the use of anatomical MRI would not be a suitable way to identify children with dyslexia”, lead author of the study Anthony Krafnick said.

