
Lady Allergic to Electricity

by Savitha C Muppala on May 20 2011 12:20 AM

 Lady Allergic to Electricity
A lady from Britain has become allergic to electricity after she underwent chemotherapy to treat bowel cancer three years ago.
This rare condition called electro sensitivity has left her unable to operate an electric kettle or stay in a neighborhood with wireless internet.  

Due to this condition, Janice Tunnicliffe, 55, has to be completely away from electromagnetic fields of any kind and therefore she has stopped watching television, using the mobile and listening to radio.

"Different things give me different feelings but it's mostly headaches and nausea. iPhones make feel really sick within about 20 minutes of being near one so even though I might not realize someone has one straightaway, I soon find out.Wifi makes me feel like I have a clamp at the back of my head which is squeezing the life out of me. It's completely draining and a home hub can totally immobilize me - I'm left unable to move my arms and legs," Janice said.

