World Cancer Day: We Can, I Can

World Cancer Day: We Can, I Can

by Chrisy Ngilneii on Feb 3 2018 7:28 PM
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  • World Cancer Day takes place every year on February 4
  • The theme is “We Can. I Can”
  • On World Cancer Day, cancer leaders call for equal access to reduce premature cancer deaths by 25 percent.
World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4th February. The theme of World Cancer Day 2018 is “We Can. I Can”.
World Cancer Day raises awareness of the millions of people worldwide facing unequal access to cancer detection, treatment, and care services. With cancer leaders, health professionals and supporters across the world pushing for urgent action to reduce the rate of premature cancer deaths globally, the day calls for diagnostic and treatment access to be prioritized.


Key Cancer Facts

  • About 8.8 million people die from cancer every year
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide
  • One-third of the most common cancers are preventable by change of lifestyle
  • About 65 percent of cancers occur in low-to-middle income countries
  • The total economic expenditure due to cancer is estimated at approximately US$ 1.16 trillion


The Global Burden of Cancer

In the world, there are an estimated 8.8 million deaths from cancer every year. More than half of all cancer cases occur in low-income to middle-income countries and approximately 70 percent of cancer-related deaths occur in developing countries.

The starkest area of inequity relates to childhood cancers. Survival rate of childhood cancer is over 80 percent in high-income countries and as low as 20 percent in low-income countries.

Inequities are also acutely experienced in high-income to middle-income countries, particularly within certain populations, including the indigenous, immigrant, refugee, rural, and lower-socioeconomic populations.


“We Can. I Can”

The theme of World Cancer Day “We Can. I Can” explores how everyone, as a group or individual, can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer. Cancer affects everyone and everyone has the power to take action to reduce the prevalence and impact of cancer worldwide.


  • We can inspire actions, take actions.
    We can all call on governments to take actions to reduce premature deaths, and improve quality of life, and cancer survival rates.
  • We can prevent cancer.
      We can spread awareness to individuals and communities that more than a third of cancers are preventable through adopting healthy behaviors.
  • We can join forces to make a difference.
      Uniting around common goals will drive action on all fronts – in prevention, early detection, treatment and care.
  • We can build a quality cancer workforce.
      The cancer workforce can be equipped with the skills, knowledge and competencies required to meet the needs of individuals and communities across the cancer continuum.
  • We can challenge perceptions.
      We can challenge and dispel damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer so that all people are empowered to access accurate cancer information and quality cancer prevention and care.
  • We can improve access to cancer care.
      We can advocate for improved access to cancer treatment and services across the care continuum.
  • We can create healthy cities.
      We can create quality urban environment that promotes and protects the health and well-being of its citizens.
  • We can create healthy workplaces.
      Employers can implement measures in the workplace that will motivate and sustain healthy habits throughout a person’s everyday life.
  • We can create healthy schools.
      We can create healthy schools by cultivating an environment that supports good nutrition and physical activity.
  • We can shape policy change.
      Effective advocacy for policy change at all levels can reduce exposure to cancer risk factors and improve access and availability of essential cancer care.
  • We can support to return others to work.
      By providing the right support, employers and co-workers can foster a successful transition back to work for cancer patients.


  • I can understand that early detection saves lives.
    Diagnosing cancer at its stages and seeking timely care can save lives.
  • I can love, and be loved.
    Strong emotional support and loving relationships with partners, friends and families can make a big difference in the life of cancer patients.
  • I can ask for support.
    People living with cancer and their caregivers can ask for support to help them cope with cancer.
  • I can make healthy lifestyle choices.
      Everyone can make healthy lifestyle choices to reduce their risk of cancer
  • I can make my voice heard.
      Individuals can be powerful agents of influence for all people affected by cancer.
  • I can return to work.
      With the right support, people living with cancer can return to work successfully.
  • I can take control of my cancer journey.
      People living with cancer can take control of their cancer journey by being empowered to be active participants in decisions about their care, having their choices respected and their needs met.
World Cancer Day is coordinated by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) calls for more equal access to reduce premature cancer and non-communicable disease deaths by 25 percent by 2025.

About the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

UICC is the largest international cancer-fighting organization, with over 1,000 member organizations across 160 countries representing the world's major cancer societies, ministries of health, research institutes, treatment centers and patient groups.

It is dedicated to taking the lead in convening, capacity building and advocacy initiatives that unite the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity, and integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.

Quotes for World Cancer Day

“We unite the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity, and to integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.”Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

“On this World Cancer Day, we will rally and unite the world in a collective and urgent call for more to be done to save millions of lives from cancer. By translating global commitments into powerful actions, we can address the equity divide and in time reduce the global cancer burden. World Cancer Day is a reminder that progress can be made and we all have a role to play – governments, cities, industry, and individuals.” Dr. Cary Adams, CEO, Union for International Cancer Control, Switzerland.

  1. World Cancer Day 2018, Press Kit, Raising Awareness for World Cancer Day
  2. Union for International Cancer Control, Switzerland - (

