Protein Bars can Make You Fat

Protein Bars can Make You Fat

by Hannah Joy on Dec 27 2017 7:10 PM
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  • Consuming a protein bar as a primary source of food can lead to weight gain
  • Protein shakes and bars should not be supplemented for a healthy diet
  • Daily intake of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight
Protein bars, when taken in moderation can be a quick fix. However, if not regulated can do more harm than good, as some bars can contain similar levels of fat to a hamburger, reveals a new study.//
A healthy lifestyle should not be substituted with protein shakes and bars, said Dr. Daniel Fenton from the London Doctors Clinic.

Link between Protein Bars and Weight Gain

The protein bars aid in building muscles, but are filled with preservatives, artificial colors and sweeteners, thickeners, even oils and fats that can increase the levels of cholesterol, explained Fenton.

The research team said that if a person consumes a protein bar as their primary source of food, then there are higher chances that they will inevitably gain weight.

The nutrient content including fat, protein, carbohydrate and sugar were checked in about 50 popular bars by the research team.

Findings of the Study

The research team found that the worst offender had the same fat content as a hamburger. High fat and sugar contents can drastically increase the number of calories that can store up in the body.

Protein bars can provide sufficient amounts of protein required for building and repairing muscles and often lack the essential amino acids, which are the real building blocks of muscle building, reveals a spokesperson for NHS' online service, Push Doctor.

The recommended daily intake of protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, which is about 56 grams per day for an average man and 46 grams for an average woman, explain nutritionists.

Health Benefits of Protein

1. Protein helps in deciding your body structure and is involved in cell division for growth, reproduction, and healing.

2. The human body contains around 100,000 different proteins made by the various combinations of 20 amino acids. Approximately 18-20% of the body weight is due to proteins.

3. The lifespan of proteins is only two days or less.

4. Hair and nail are made up of a protein called keratin, and these have sulfur bonds. Curlier the hair the more sulfur links they have.

5. Protein provides about 10 to 35 percent of calories needed every day. Each gram of protein provides four calories.

6. Plant proteins lack some of the essential amino acids, but they may be healthier than animal-based protein as they contain less fat, no cholesterol and plenty of dietary fiber.

7. Quinoa, a grain-like crop contains all nine essential amino acids making it a good source of complete protein.

8. Protein must be taken in your diet every day as it is continuously broken down and gets replaced. The human body cannot store protein like it stores carbohydrates and fats.

9. High protein diet helps you lose weight. Protein-rich foods make you feel fuller for a long time. Besides this, the amount of energy required to digest protein is more, hence more calories are burnt. This is the reason behind weight loss.

10. Hair is mostly made of proteins. They are continuously in the process of growing for 2-3 years after which they fall and get replaced by new hair. Protein plays a key role during the growth phase. Hence, eating protein-rich foods can prevent hair fall.

    Surprising Benefits Of Proteins - (

