
Stop Ageing Start Walking

by Dr. Reeja Tharu on Feb 9 2011 8:29 PM
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Ageing, like Death, spares none!

It affects friends and foes, kings and paupers, misers and benevolent alike.

The process of aging has equally intrigued scientists and mystics. In the world of research, plenty of work is being carried out with regard to aging.

Aging &Brain

Studies have revealed that the hippocampus— a part of the brain important for memories — in healthy adults,  begins to atrophy or degenerate around  the age of 55 or 60.

But all is not lost, say psycholiogists who propose that the hippocampus can be expanded (read rejuvenated) , at least to modest proportions, by regular walking.

Study on Walkers

In a  study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  on Jan 31, researchers randomly selected  a group of 120 men and women (average age mid-60s) who were  healthy but sedentary.

They were then assigned to two exercise  groups –

·        One group walked thrice a week around a track for 40 minutes at a stretch

·        The other group indulged in   exercises such as  yoga and resistance training with bands, that were less aerobic


Brain scans on these people taken after a year revealed that the hippocampus had expanded  in volume by an average of  2 percent  among the walkers; while in the other group it had dwindled by about 1.4 percent. The decline in the latter is  thought to be normal in older adults.

According to the lead author, Kirk Erickson, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh  “a 2 percent increase is fairly significant.” 

A test of spatial memory  showed improvement in both the exercise groups but,  even here, the walkers  scored over the others.


This pilot study  requires  further probe to establish  its discoveries.

But the truth remains that walking does positively impact a person’s memory by expanding the hippocampus region of the brain.

What then are you waiting for? Put on those shoes and start walking!

