
Alcohol With Energy Drinks - The Bad Mix

by Dr. Enozia Vakil on Oct 8 2012 12:14 PM
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Researchers claim that mixing alcohol with energy drinks has detrimental effects on a person’s health. A number of youngsters are at the risk of severe health impacts due to consumption of these mixtures.

A study found that Australian youngsters often consumed alcohol-energy drink mixtures and served them at parties. Most of these youngsters were unaware of the harmful effects caused by overconsumption of these drinks. Consuming these drinks compared to just alcohol increases wakefulness and energy, which is thought to be more socially beneficial as opposed to getting drunk.

What it does to your health: Extensive researches conducted have shown that due to increased energy, alertness and activity of the brain, people consuming these mixed drinks are more at the risk of indulging in reckless behavior such as illicit drug use, driving, aggression and violence and sexual behavior.

Physiologically, consuming more than 5 drinks is thought to cause heart palpitations. Also, people consuming these drinks had four times the odds of irritability spells, tremors, sleeping difficulties and sudden outbursts of energy followed by exhaustion. To add to this, energy drinks combined with alcohol potentially raise the risks of heart attacks and strokes by making the blood more sticky and raising the blood pressure to a considerable level. The caffeine in the energy drinks acts as a diuretic, causing the body to lose water, making you dehydrated. Consuming these drinks for a prolonged duration can cause severe ailments related to the cardiovascular and nervous system-researchers say.

Researchers therefore suggest that energy drinks should carry labels indicating that they should not be mixed with alcohol.

