
Head Held Up High At The Tall Women's Club

by Tanya Thomas on Apr 21 2009 10:00 AM

It used to be a lonely life 'up there' for a 193cm tall woman, Vanessa Elliot. But that was until she discovered the Tall Women's club.

She says that though she doesn't always notice her towering height, people often remind her of that.

"The only time it's brought to my attention is when someone else says something, and kids are the worst. They're like 'Mummy, mummy, look - a giant!'," she said. "But, if I got defensive every time somebody said something, I'd be in that many fights. You just pretend you didn't hear," The Courier Mail quoted her as saying.

"I have no idea what that actually looks like to other people until I walk past a reflective surface and I think, 'Oh my God'," she added.

However, Vanessa has found The Tall Women's club, which has many other women of the same height, with whom she can share her views.

The club's first meeting attracted 25 women and a new event is planned - a Brisbane River night cruise on May 1.

This cruise is also open to men after expressions of interest in starting Tall Men's groups in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

Elliott, 24, was the tallest woman under 40 at the first meeting, but there was an older lady who was taller.

"I was so excited to meet other people like this. Some people looked at us funnily but they were looking at us, not just me. So I was like, 'I don't care, I've got my friends with me'," Vanessa added.

