
Have a Happy Married Life

by Bidita Debnath on Oct 3 2013 10:43 PM

 Have a Happy Married Life
What are the reasons that keep a married couple together for years, have you ever wondered how they are together?
To answer your question, has compiled a list of secrets of real-life couples, who have seen their ups and downs, but managed to stick together.

According to the site, it is important for married couple to be best friends and one should be willing to give up on his or her personal belongings that irk their partners.

One couple told the site that they had made a pact to never fight about money, while another stated that sensitive subjects should never be discussed when people are hungry or tired.

The website also claimed that couples should always find things to laugh about together.

Couples should always keep at least one night for date night and try to keep their sex life interesting, the site said.

Additionally, facing any adversity together will keep the relationship strong and in the toughest times, couples need to remember why they got together in the first place.

