
Facebook Gets More Visits From Mothers Than Fathers To Seek Advice From Peers

by Reshma Anand on Jul 18 2015 3:47 PM

Facebook Gets More Visits From Mothers Than Fathers To Seek Advice From Peers
More and more parents are joining Facebook to give and seek emotional, social and parental advice to close friends, a new study has revealed.
While 75% of parents log on the the social networking site daily, mothers tend to use Facebook more than fathers, reported the findings from Pew Research Center, US . Nearly 37% of mothers are checking Facebook "frequently" whereas only 20% of fathers are checking new Facebook posts.About 51% parents are using Facebook several times daily.

While 81% of parents try to respond to good news their friends have shared, 58 percent of parents try to respond to bad news as well. 74% have received support from friends on Facebook. 79% of parents who use social media have found useful information on the social network with more than half finding useful parenting advice.

Parents are also more likely to have their kids, neighbors, colleagues and their own parents added on Facebook than non-parents who tend to have more of their current friends on Facebook, the findings showed. Parents also tend to have closer-knit social networks than non-parents.

