
Ever Wondered About the Major Regrets Held By People in Failed Relationships?

by Rukmani Krishna on Dec 17 2013 11:26 PM

 Ever Wondered About the Major Regrets Held By People in Failed Relationships?
Have you ever been in a relationship which failed? Did you ever wonder whether you could have done things differently? Did you imagine different scenarios which could have saved your relationship?
The Huffington Post asked it's readers to share their biggest marriage regrets and they did.

One reader said that she regretted settling for less than what she deserved, always justifying her husband's unacceptable behavior, and forgiving too many inexcusable things for the sake of their marriage.

While one commented that she regretted fighting for love even when her partner pushed her away, another said that they regretted entering a love-less marriage.

Not trying harder to work things out, rushing into marriage, not having separate bank accounts, marrying someone with a history of walking out and becoming complacent were also listed on the biggest marriage regrets.

