
A Surgically Implanted "Third" Ear...In The Arm

by Tanya Thomas on Apr 15 2009 5:42 PM

Visitors at the Edinburgh festival were in for a surprise on Monday. A sexagenarian Aussie artist showed off his "third ear" which is surgically implanted into - his skin!

Stelarc, 62, claimed at the Edinburgh International Science Festival that the extra ear on his arm had become a permanent part of his body.

"It is a permanent part of me now - after six months it becomes fused to the arm and has its own blood supply," the Mirror quoted him as saying.

The Oz eccentric, whose real name is Stelios Arcadiou, hopes to install a Bluetooth microphone so as to enable people to listen to what it is hearing through the Internet.

"Someone in Venice could listen to what my ear is hearing in Melbourne," he said.

