
Yoga Linked to Back Pain Relief

by Rajashri on Sep 7 2009 8:44 PM

A study Dr Kimberly Williams, research assistant professor in the Department of Community Medicine at West Virginia University in Morgantown, and colleagues has found that yoga relieves back pain better than conventional medical therapy.

A study of 90 patients suffering from lower back pain was undertaken by the researchers who received funding from the NIH. The patients were assigned to receive either yoga instructions or medical therapy. Yoga instructions were given by qualified yoga instructors for 90 minutes; twice a week for 24 weeks.

the study found that yoga was better at relieving back pain than conventional therapies. "The yoga group had less pain, less functional disability and less depression compared with the control group," lead researcher Dr Williams said. "These were statistically significant and clinically important changes that were maintained six months after the intervention."

The details appear in the September 1 issue of the journal Spine.

