
Only One Percent Dads Do Diaper Duty

by VR Sreeraman on Jul 2 2007 6:57 PM

Men have a long way to go before they can claim to be new generation daddies, for only one percent of them usually change the nappies of their kids, according to a survey.

The UK survey noted that 75 per cent mums take on the diaper duty at nearly every change and 16 percent men argue every time over the issue.

According to Dr Miriam Stoppard, a baby and childcare expert, although some men argue about the job, it might help the couple to grow close.

"While some men might turn their noses up at changing nappies, it's a great opportunity for bonding," the Scotsman quoted Stoppard, as saying.

"Suggest your partner tries tickling your baby's tummy, singing a song to keep her happy or trying to make him smile through the change," he said.

The specialist insisted that men should be willing to change the nappies of their kids to lower their partner's burden.

"Having a small baby can be all-consuming and tiring and it is helpful to share the load with a partner if possible," he said.

"While the survey shows that mums are still taking on the traditional role of main nappy changer, it is encouraging to see that many couples share the job equally," he added.

