
One in Five Brits Feels ‘stressed Even Before Breakfast’

by Medindia Content Team on Oct 4 2007 6:44 PM

One in five Brits feels ‘stressed even before breakfast’, a new survey has found.

The number may seem small, but it means that five million British men and women are starting the day on a hassled note.

The poll conducted for the Relaxation for Living Institute found that people feel the pressure even before their day begins and the number doubles as people drop their kids at school and reach work.

Money worries were the top causes of stress, followed by work pressures and relationships, reports the Telegraph.

Another reason for stress was self-image, which was a reason for worry for 45pct of women compared to just 24 pct of men.

Fifty percent of the population struggled to catch sleep at night and suffered headaches or migraines.

Twenty-five pct had digestive problems and one-fifth complained of panic attacks.

The study also found that 63 pct of the poll’s respondents considered nighttime as the most peaceful part of the day.

