
India Will be Home to Massive Number of Diabetics

by Rajashri on Oct 20 2009 9:30 PM

The 20th annual World Diabetes Congress of the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) has heard that India faces a potential threat of becoming home to a huge number of patients suffering from diabetes.

Currently, 50.8 million people suffer from diabetes in the country. China with 43.2 million and the US with 26.8 million are placed second and third respectively, the IDF report said. It also predicted that there will be 58.7 million diabetes cases in India by 2010.

"Evidence suggests that in more affluent parts of the country, the rural prevalence is higher than in less affluent rural areas, indicating that increasing economic growth will raise diabetes prevalence in India even more than these possibly conservative estimates have indicated," the report warned.

The report also said that India would be spending $2.8 billion annually on diabetes control measures.

"Healthcare expenditures on diabetes are expected to account for 11.6 per cent of the total healthcare expenditure in the world in 2010. Estimated global healthcare expenditures to treat and prevent diabetes and its complications are expected to total at least $376 billion in 2010," the report concluded.

