
Increase in Nonvenomous Insect Bites in Britain

by Kathy Jones on Aug 12 2011 9:02 PM

 Increase in Nonvenomous Insect Bites in Britain
Latest figures released by the British government shows a rise in number of cases involving people bitten by “nonvenomous insects” with more than 3,600 cases being registered, representing a 19 percent rise during 2010-11.
North western England registered the most number of bug bite cases at 574 while it was lowest in the north east at 133 cases. Majority of the patients were over the age of 40 years and the peak months were identified to be June, July and August 2010.

Bug bites in London were as prevalent as dog bites with the capital city accounting for the highest number of bug bite cases. In total the number of animal related injuries that required treatment saw a rise of 1.8 percent across the country.

“Our statistics show that the summer is a seasonal hotspot for admissions to hospital for injuries caused by dogs, coupled with a 5 per cent rise overall for such admissions between the latest and previous 12-month period. However, the same timeframe also saw an increase in admissions for injuries inflicted by other creatures - from bugs and horses to cows and pigs”, NHS Information Center’s Tim Straughan said.

