
Electronic Tongue Capable of Distinguishing Different Types of Cava Wines

by Savitha C Muppala on Jul 30 2011 8:39 PM

 Electronic Tongue Capable of Distinguishing Different Types of Cava Wines
Researchers from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have developed an electronic tongue which can efficiently recognize different types of cava wines.
As an initial step, researchers used voltammetric measurements to first identify different cava samples.

They endeavored to replicate the tasting methodology employed by humans to identify different types of cava. This exercise helped in the classification of Cava wines very much on the lines of a sommelier.

Presently, the electronic tongue is capable of recognizing three types of cava: Brut, Brut Nature and Medium-Dry and in time with more training, the e-tongue can distinguish most of the types available.

