
Drinking 10 Litres of Water in 8 Hours Caused Man's Death

by Rajashri on Jul 8 2008 2:41 PM

44-year-old Andrew Thornton suffered a heart attack and died after swallowing some 10 litres of water to numb pain from gum disease.

Thornton from Bradford, West Yorks suffered the attack on December 5 last year, an inquest was told. His mother Alice said he had been vomiting and then drinking water that day. He suffered from severe gum disease, but refused treatment preferring to take water as it numbed his pain.

The pathologist, Dr Alan Padwell, said he was overloaded with water. "He had been drinking an awful lot of water and vomiting. He had overloaded with water. Your body tells you how much you need. Eat and drink normally and your body will regulate itself."

Mrs Thornton said people must learn from this and be careful, "Andrew wasn't a stupid man and if he had known how dangerous drinking that much was, he wouldn't have done it," she added.

