
Classroom Teaching Supplemented With 'Educational' Video Games

by Tanya Thomas on Feb 23 2009 10:06 AM

A new-fangled study has opined that 'educational' video games can be designed keeping in mind criteria that make them compatible with traditional classroom teaching methods.

According to Pablo Moreno-Ger, lead author of the study from Madrid's Complutense University (UCM), educational and technological aspects can go together and prove to be effective on educational platforms.

Pablo, member of the e-UCM educational technologies research group, led by Baltasar Fernández Manjón in UCM's Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Department, along with a team of experts believed that including video games that cover a significant number of subjects or areas of knowledge can, possibly, "work best in the area of education".

"Video games in virtual educational environments are a complement to traditional teaching for the student," The Science Daily quoted Pablo as telling SINC.

However, it was further revealed that the extensive use of graphical adventure genre (e-Adventure) must bare in mind certain educational and technical hurdles.

These include the possibility for evaluation, adaptability and ease of integration which the technology must be able to cover to help in the learning process.

