
Bad Parenting Responsible for Binge Drinking?

by Kathy Jones on Aug 29 2011 6:48 PM

 Bad Parenting Responsible for Binge Drinking?
A new survey carried out by an independent think tank, Demos, has revealed that bad parenting could be one of the major causes of binge drinking among young adults.
Demos observed the drinking habit of more than 32,000 people over a period of three decades and found that how a child has been brought up is directly related to his or her alcohol consumption in the teenage and adults years.

According to the survey, 16 years old whose parents are “disengaged” are eight times more likely to indulge in binge drinking compared to other children. The survey also revealed that children whose parents have divorced are more likely to drink.

“Difficult relationships and high levels of stress for parents with young children have been shown to affect children later on and their relationship with alcohol is no exception. Setting strong rules around alcohol consumption as children get older will be crucial to ensuring that we are not raising a generation of binge drinkers”, lead researcher Jamie Bartlett said.

