Dr. Reeja Tharu's Profile


Dr. Reeja Tharu

Dr. Reeja Tharu has an M. Phil and a Ph.D in Biomedical Genetics from the University of Madras. She is passionate about health issues and adept at presenting complex health topics in easy to understand language. She contributes both as a writer and an editor on the site.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed



Stroke can cause permanent disability and it is important to recognize its early warning signs to stop its progress. Early warning signs of stroke include sudden weakness of facial muscles.

Preventive Health
Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer occurs due to abnormal cell growth in the urinary bladder. The most common kind usually is urothelial cancer or ​transitional cell carcinoma.

Dental Check-Up

Dental Check-Up

It is commonly recommended that you visit the dentist twice a year to clean your teeth and gums and also do the basic check–ups.

Health Screening Test


It''s a lung condition characterized by inflammation of the bronchi and constriction of the airways that result in coughing, wheezing or breathlessness. Allergy and other airway irritants can trigger it

Preventive Health
Types of Physiotherapy

Types of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare science, that mainly concentrates on the physical aspects of an individual''s healthcare, by treating their physical ailments.

Preventive Health