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Behavioral/emotional disorders


Schizophrenia, mood disorders (affective psychoses), bipolar disorder, mixed, paranoid states, other non-organic psychoses, psychoses originating in childhood.

Eating disorders

Obesity, anorexia nervosa, bulimia.

Anxiety/mood/personality disorders

Anxiety/panic disorders, somatoform disorders, neurotic disorders, personality disorders, acute stress reaction, adjustment disorders, depressive disorders, conduct disturbance,


Deficit/hyperactivity disorder, physical disorders of psychogenetic origin.

Somatoform Disorders

Somatization disorder, Malingering, Conversion disorder, Hypochondriasis [including body dysmorphic disorder])

Substance abuse disorders

Alcoholism, chemical/drug dependence.

Toxic Effects

Poisoning by Psychotropic agents, Including antidepressants.


Altered mental status/confusion states, SIDS family, abuse of other person, uncomplicated bereavement, sexual dysfunction.
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