
How to Take Iron - III Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex - IPC and it's Dose

It comes as a tablet and liquid to take by mouth either during or immediately after meal. It also available in injection forms.

Dosage & When it is to be taken

Dose is based on patient’s condition.

When it is not to be taken (Contraindications)


Drug Name : Iron - III Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex - IPC

This medication is an iron preparation, prescribed for iron deficiency anemia.

Trade Names/Brand Names of Iron - III Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex - IPC

International :

Anaemex Iron, Chewrol, Comprion, Fegem, Feralice, Feranin Fol, Feranin, Ferimax Im, Ferimax, Ferose, Ferose, Ferran Fol, Ferran, Ferrata, Ferrobest, Ferrosig, Ferrum Fol Hausmann, Ferrum H Injection, Ferrum Hausmann, Ferrum Lek, Ferrum, Haemojet, Hemafer, Hydrofer, Intafer, Maltofer Fol, Maltofer, Maltofer Fol, Mumfer, Noripurum, Orofer, Poliferro, Polyferon, Polyron, Santafer, Solufer, Vegaferon, Veltifer