Shirley Johanna's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil

Shirley Johanna

Shirley is passionate about teaching and writing. She conducts nutrition education program for children in an NGO. Her hobbies are cooking, gardening and photography.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Health Benefits of Buttermilk

Health Benefits of Buttermilk

Buttermilk is an extremely popular beverage. Find out the health benefits of buttermilk and what makes organic buttermilk and homemade buttermilk especially nutritious.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Star Anise

Health Benefits of Star Anise

Star anise isn’t just a star-shaped spice but also a ‘star’ ingredient that must be included in your daily diet for its health benefits.

Diet Articles
Diet during Typhoid

Diet during Typhoid

Typhoid is a bacterial infection affecting the gastrointestinal tract including several the liver, spleen and muscles. Following a proper diet is an important part of the healing process.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Onion

Health Benefits of Onion

Onions make you cry but they provide an array of health benefits. Discover the advantages of eating onion and its nutrient profile and composition.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Persimmon Fruit

Health Benefits of Persimmon Fruit

Persimmon, a fibrous tropical fruit, is packed with nutrients and health-promoting compounds that aid in anti-aging and prevent various diseases and disorders.

Diet Articles