Rakhee Maloo's Profile


Rakhee is a freelance writer. She enjoys reading, learning and exploring the unknown and is extremely passionate about animal welfare. She has contributed articles related to lifestyle for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Natural Home Remedies for Fatigue

Natural Home Remedies for Fatigue

Fatigue is the lack of energy and inability to perform daily activities. It is caused by infections, medications, and stress among others. Chronic fatigue syndrome is an extreme form of fatigue.

Home Remedies
Pack your School Bag the Right Way - Slide Show

Pack your School Bag the Right Way - Slide Show

Carrying heavy school bags is one of the major causes of back pain in children. Mild to severe back pain, mid back pain, neck pain and stiff back are some of the complaints.

Slide Show
Healthy Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Healthy Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Recommended weight gain during pregnancy is determined as per pre-pregnancy weight and BMI. Healthy weight gain is very important for pregnancy health and is achieved with the right diet and exercise.

Diet Articles
Fish Oil Benefits

Fish Oil Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are helpful to treat many health problems. Fish oil benefits eyes, bones, heart, brain, skin and hair.

Diet Articles
Home Remedies for Fever

Home Remedies for Fever

Fever is most often an indication of some infection or illness in the body. There are many home remedies for fever that are used to bring down body temperature.

Home Remedies