Pooja Srivastava Banerjee's Profile

M. Pharm

A Pharmacist by profession, Pooja has working experience in academics, research, education management and medical writing. She has a passion for writing and a flair for putting technical facts creatively. Pooja has written blogs, web content, research manuscripts, research proposals, review view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Health Benefits of Custard Apple

Health Benefits of Custard Apple

Custard apple is a low calorie sweet and fleshy fruit with a pleasing aroma and can be used for weight loss regimen. Besides several health benefits, custard apple can also be used by people with lactose intolerance, as an alternative.

Diet Articles
10 Sure-Shot Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

10 Sure-Shot Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Learn how to fight fear and anxiety in life naturally. These 10 sure-shot ways will help you cope with fear and get rid of feelings of anxiety.

Lifestyle Articles
Diet for Psoriasis

Diet for Psoriasis

Learn what causes psoriasis, the appropriate diet to follow and the importance of diet in the treatment of this medical condition.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Figs

Health Benefits of Figs

Here are the health benefits of figs, uses of fresh and dried figs, and a few recipes for preparing healthy food with figs.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Read about goji berries, uses, health tips and recipes. Also learn about goji berry health benefits.

Diet Articles