Pooja Srivastava Banerjee's Profile

M. Pharm

A Pharmacist by profession, Pooja has working experience in academics, research, education management and medical writing. She has a passion for writing and a flair for putting technical facts creatively. Pooja has written blogs, web content, research manuscripts, research proposals, review view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top Foods Rich in Essential Minerals

Top Foods Rich in Essential Minerals

Read on for the best food sources of essential minerals and vitamins and the health benefits of vitamins and minerals in food.

Diet Articles
Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

Learn about the herbs available as over the counter medicine for chest congestion. Also, read interesting natural and homemade chest cold remedies for chest congestion relief.

Home Remedies
Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

Fungal nail infections, also called onychomycosis, can affect anyone regardless of hygiene. Here are a few natural remedies to treat nail fungus, which includes the use of herbs, nutrition, and dietary supplements.

Home Remedies
Home Remedies to Fix a Broken or Cracked Tooth

Home Remedies to Fix a Broken or Cracked Tooth

Do you have a broken or cracked tooth? Here are a few natural home remedies that can help you fix a broken tooth yourself.

Home Remedies
Health Benefits of Lychee

Health Benefits of Lychee

Here are the health benefits of the delicious, sweet and juicy lychee, and these are some mouth-watering recipes that help you cook with it.

Diet Articles