Meeta Agarwal's Profile

M.A (English)

Meeta Agarwal

Meeta hails from the city of Kolkata. She has completed her schooling from La Martiniere for Girls and did her Masters at Rani Birla Girls' College. Meeta is a Fundraising Consultant for G4l Foundation (an environment based nonprofit). To her credit she has written articles and ebooks on health view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Best Foods For Healthy Teeth

Best Foods For Healthy Teeth

Tooth decay and plaque occur when the mouth pH value dips. Healthy dietary habits ensure strong teeth and gums. Milk, water and broccoli improve teeth health

Is Canola Oil Healthy?

Is Canola Oil Healthy?

Canola oil is a genetically modified rapeseed oil. Compared to saturated oils it reduces abdominal fat and bad cholesterol. It is rich in vitamin E and MUFA.

Diet Articles
Military Diet - How Does It Work

Military Diet - How Does It Work

The 3-day military diet claims to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) per week. For each of the 3 days less than 1000 calories are taken. Ice-cream, meat, cheese are included.

Diet Articles
What Your Feet Say About Your Health

What Your Feet Say About Your Health

Listen to what your feet say. Cold, numb, dry feet; discolored or disfigured toe and toenails; foot pain and cramps indicate various medical conditions.

Slide Show
Health Benefits of Tuna Fish

Health Benefits of Tuna Fish

Tuna, a low glycemic index (GI) food, is rich in selenium, niacin, Vitamin (B12, B6), protein. It prevents wrinkles, stroke and supports bone, heart.

Diet Articles