Hannah Joy's Profile


Hannah Joy

Hannah hails from Hyderabad and has received Master of Philosophy Degree in Food Service Management and Dietetics from Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring and counseling. Hannah likes to travel, explore and is adventurous. She aspires to pursue her Ph.D view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Aldosterone: Does It Increase Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease?

Aldosterone: Does It Increase Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease?

Higher concentrations of aldosterone may increase chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression.

Health Watch
How to Decipher a Baby’s Cry of Pain?

How to Decipher a Baby’s Cry of Pain?

Parents with little to no experience cannot differenciate between cries. However, through experience they can interpret well.

Research News
Parents are 'Winging It' on Their Kids' Mobile Use

Parents are 'Winging It' on Their Kids' Mobile Use

Children using smartphones and tablets causes conflict in most families and there is a need for official guidelines to be developed for parents.

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Vitamin D: Low Levels Cause Chronic Inflammation

Vitamin D: Low Levels Cause Chronic Inflammation

Low levels of vitamin D can increase inflammation and chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Health Watch
What are the Most Common Lingering COVID-19 Symptoms?

What are the Most Common Lingering COVID-19 Symptoms?

Long COVID-19 symptoms can be avoided by getting vaccinated or boosted to help protect your brain and body.

Health Watch