Dr. Shalini Aul's Profile


Dr. Shalini works as a general physician and has experience as a freelance health content editor. She has written medical articles for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Berries for a Healthy and Beautiful You

Berries for a Healthy and Beautiful You

Antioxidants in the form of small berries packed with wonderful benefits…Find out how these tiny berries work to make you feel and look beautiful.

Diet Articles
Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure

Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure

Want to know how to lower high blood pressure/hypertension? Garlic is a miracle herb that helps to lower blood pressure and keep it under control.

Diet Articles
Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity

Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity

Over 1 billion people world-wide are obese thus affecting their health due to their nutrition and lifestyle. 3.9% of India’s population is obese! Know more about obesity and its prevention.

Lifestyle Articles
Acid Peptic Disease

Acid Peptic Disease

Acid peptic diseases are a collective disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. A general description about its pathophysiology, symptoms, etiology, complications, diagnosis and treatment is given.

Disease & Condition
Edible Flowers for Health

Edible Flowers for Health

Flowers bloom to touch your soul with its beauty and bring out your innate healing potential. There are innumerable flowers, which are edible that enhance flavor, texture, and palatability to your food besides promoting health.

Diet Articles