

Indian Baby Names - Boys

An exhaustive alphabetical Listings of baby names of boys with their meaning. Do remember that you can make multiple selection and send the names also to family and friends.

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In Alphabet - d (60) Names
Name Meaning Select
Dev Divinity
Devaj From God
Devak Divine
Devang From God
Devank Godly
Devbrata Bhishma
Devdarsh Worshipper of God
Devdatta Given by God
Devendra Lord indra
Devesh Lord Indra
Devkumar Son of God
Devpad Divine feet
Devraj King of the Gods
Devrat Spiritual
Dhairya Patience
Dhananjay Arjuna
Dhanesh Lord of wealth
Dhanraj King of wealth
Dhanvin Lord Shiva
Dharmendra Lord of righteousness