
Kundalini Yoga / Types of Yoga

Pranayama for awakening Kundalini

  1. Fix your mind on the Muladhara chakra or root chakra at the base of the spine. This is the seat of kundalini energy.
  2. By gently closing the right nostril with the right thumb, inhale through the left nostril to the count of three or say 'Om'.
  3. Retain the breath for a count of twelve 'Om' by closing the left nostril.
  4. Visualise a current and send it down to the root chakra to awaken the kundalini.
  5. Then slowly exhale through the right nostril to the count of 6 'Om'.
  6. In this pranayama, one must fix the concentration on the Muladhara chakra.
  7. This pranayama will gradually awaken the kundalini
  8. Do this pranayama thrice in the morning and repeat it in the evening too.

Even practice of Hatha yoga balances the flow of Ida and Pingala current.

Prana should be directed to flow in the Sushumna Nadi. Causing prana to flow in Sushumna nadi is the most essential preparation for awakening the kundalini power.

Ida and Pingala current flow along the spine with Ida along the left side and Pingala along the right side. Sushumna courses through the chakras between the Ida and Pingala. Both Ida and Pingala current converge at the space between the eyebrows, the Ajna chakra.


Meditation on the Ajna chakra helps balance the Ida and Pingala current. Focusing the attention of the mind on the flow of breath from the nostrils causes prana to flow in the Sushumna. This is one of the vital steps in the inner journey towards the awakening of Kundalini energy.

Techniques to awaken the kundalini:

  • Physical: Asanas, mudras and bandhas
  • Breath: Pranayama with bandhas and kumbhaka
  • Meditation: When the degree of concentration increases, it results in Samadhi.
  • Mantra: The subtle vibrations that help awaken the kundalini energy.

Kundalini is now raised upwards. Once the kundalini is awakened, it has to be guided through the Sushumna, along each of the chakras to the Sahasrara or the crown chakra.


When kundalini is awakened, it passes on from Muladhara to Sahasrara through all the chakras. The yogi enjoys supreme bliss when kundalini is taken to Sahasrara chakra or the crown chakra. This union is the essence of yoga and signifies the union of Shakthi with her Shiva.
